How to back up our MongoDB Database and upload it to AWS?
It's always better to do the backup of the database, instead of saving it to our server save to s3 storage. So let’s start firstly with the backup and then upload the same to AWS.
Let’s create a script folder but before need to make sure that we’re in the home directory
cd ~
mkdir scripts
sudo nano scripts/
Now Paste the below scode in the file
backup_name=db_backups/`date +%Y-%m-%d`
#use password in single commas if you’re using special characters in password
mongodump -h localhost:port -u username -p ‘password’ -d database -o $backup_name
Example:- mongodump -h localhost:27017 -u mydbuser -p ‘#password’ -d mydb -o $backup_name
Now run the script to check whether Mongo connects and dumps correctly. After that, create the db_backups folder where we dump the database
cd ~
mkdir db_backups
Now run the script to check whether Mongo connects and dumps correctly
/bin/bash ~/scripts/ or/bin/bash /home/ubuntu/scripts/
Now we have to configure the AWS Command Line Interface so that we can upload the dump to the AWS S3 Storage
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install python-pip
sudo pip install awscli
sudo pip install — upgrade pip
Or you can follow the steps in the AWS documentation
Now type the below command in the terminal, it asks you the following information
like access key, secret key, region name, and format
aws configure
AWS Access Key ID [None]: ACCESS_KEY
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: SECRET_KEY
Default region name [None]: region
Default output format [None]: json
Now we need to upload the MongoDB dump to AWS S3. For this, open the and add the following lines
tar -cvzf $backup_name.tar.gz $backup_name -> Compressing folder and conver to taraws s3 cp $backup_name.tar.gz s3://bucket_name/db_backups/ -> Copying the tar file to aws using aws consolerm -rf $backup_name -> Now remove the backup folderrm $backup_name.tar.gz -> Finally remove the tar file too as this file uploads to s3
Now we’ll run the script again to check whether all things are going fine
/bin/bash ~/scripts/
After everything works, we run this script by using the Cron
Open Terminal(Ctrl+Alt+T), type
crontab -e
It asks you to choose your editor, you can choose any of your favorite ones. let’s type 1
It will open the nano editor, add your script command
#At 00:00 on day-of-month 7, next at 2019-08-07 00:00:00 and so on
0 0 7 * * /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/scripts/db_backup.shFor checking now, change the crontime to current time so that we can check whether its working fine or not
Now Check cron logs in /var/log/syslog is hit or not, It will see if your script command runs or not
If MTA problem shows, then we need to install postfix
sudo apt-get install postfixThen after script hitting from the cron, we have got mail in /home/mail/ubuntu where we will see the error in scriptBut from cron aws not found, so instead of aws use /usr/local/bin/awsAws command for copy will be like this
/usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp $backup_name.tar.gz s3://bucket_name/db_backups/
Now the final commands in the
backup_name=db_backups/`date +%Y-%m-%d`#use password in single commas if you're using special characters in password
mongodump -h localhost:27097 -u prodUsr -p '#@pass$#6%' -d proddb -o $backup_name tar -cvzf $backup_name.tar.gz $backup_name /usr/local/bin/aws s3 cp $backup_name.tar.gz s3://bucket_name/db_backups/ -> This all in the one line#aws s3 cp $backup_name.tar.gz s3://bucket_name/db_backups/ -> This not working we can remove from hererm -rf $backup_name
rm $backup_name.tar.gz
2. We can also upload the dump file using s3cmd
Firstly Install the s3cmd
sudo su
wget -O- -q | sudo apt-key add -
wget -O/etc/apt/sources.list.d/s3tools.list
apt-get install s3cmd
Configure s3cmd ith was was s3
s3cmd --configure
After was s3 configuration we will write the s2cmd upload command in the Mongo backup sh file
MONGO_DATABASE="db_name" #replace with your database name
TIMESTAMP=`date +%F-%H%M`
S3_BUCKET_NAME="bucket-name" #replace with your bucket name on Amazon S3
# Create backup
$MONGODUMP_PATH -h $HOST --port portno -d $MONGO_DATABASE -u dbusr -p 'db password'
# Add timestamp to backup
mv dump mongodb-$HOSTNAME-$TIMESTAMP
tar cf mongodb-$HOSTNAME-$TIMESTAMP.tar mongodb-$HOSTNAME-$TIMESTAMP
# Upload to S3
s3cmd put mongodb-$HOSTNAME-$TIMESTAMP.tar s3://$S3_BUCKET_NAME/$S3_BUCKET_PATH/mongodb-$HOSTNAME-$TIMESTAMP.tar
rm -rf mongodb-*
We can instantly run the bash file bash
After successfully running the above command we can add the bash command in the crontab by crontab -e, choose nano as an editor, add the below in that file, and save.
#db script
0 4 * * * /bin/bash /home/ubuntu/
Let’s back up our database :)